We're getting married

D will say that I stalked her and although not entirely true, I did make the first move. It bothered me that I couldn't recall where or how I knew her & I needed to be sure if I did. Back in the early days of social media, if you wanted to get someone's attention you would have to press the poke button. Try as I may, Davinia had none of it, not until she found it hilarious that I fell off a pull-up bar & nearly broke my back "Spinal" (Tyson voice).

A few dates later, a couple of snowball fights & a ickle kiss...

Here we are!


Our Love Story

What David means is, 2 children and 15 years later...

All good things come to those who wait (& wait I sure did). After living, loving and laughing together, I have finally managed to tie him down (literally) and convince him to commit. Dee's dad would say "Nothing happens before it's time" and now it feels right.

Please join us on our special day, to help make it one of our most beautiful memories. Years from now when we look back & reminisce, we can smile happily, as we remember you were part of what made that day so special. Pruce!

It was...

Perfect Timing